Actionable insights to close more deals.
Discover the best ways to drive sustained growth with all levels of analytics and reports.

See who's in the lead.
Use key metrics to encourage competition among your highly skilled teams.
Maximize individual potential.
Keep track of individual activity, including emails sent, response rates, calls made and more to encourage and support their hard work.
Understand team trends.
Get the big picture of team performance across any given time period to compare, benchmark, and drive success.
Time-based comparisons
Whether you want to compare different quarters or assess your year-on-year differences, you can set the fields and see how individuals and teams are doing at different times. One dashboard to help you make projections on open deals.

Priority metrics
So many metrics to choose from… time on phone, distribution of customer data attributes, deal-value closed. Find the most important ones and use them to adjust your strategy.

Ensure your Pipeline is in good health
One dashboard to help you make projections on open deals.